تفسیرعمدۃ البیان کی روشنی میں دعوت نبوی کے خصائص: تجزیہ و تحقیق

Characteristics of Dawat-e-Nabawi in the Light of Tafsir-e-Umdat ul-Bayan: An Analytical Study


  • Suhail Ahmad Thaker Phd Scholar IIUI Islamabad Author


Characteristics, Dawat-e-Nabawi, Tafsir-e-Umdat ul-Bayan, Message of Islam, Conveying message of Allah


This analytical study aims to explore the characteristics of Dawat-e-Nabawi (the Prophetic invitation to Islam) as discussed in the Tafsir-e-Umdat ul-Bayan. The study examines the Quranic verses and Hadith literature to identify the key features of the Prophetic invitation. The research also highlights the importance of Dawat-e-Nabawi in the context of Islamic teachings and the role of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in spreading the message of Islam. The study finds that Dawat-e-Nabawi is based on compassion, kindness, and inclusiveness, with an emphasis on conveying the message of Allah in a clear and effective manner. The research also notes that the Prophetic invitation aimed to establish justice, equality, and brotherhood in society. Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the characteristics of Dawat-e-Nabawi, offering a deeper understanding of the message of Islam and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).





