معاشرہ کے مذہبی و اخلاقی زوال کے اسباب اور ان کا تدارک: قرآن و سنت کی روشنی میں خصوصی مطالعہ

Causes of religious and moral decline in society and their remedies:An analysis in the light of the Quran and Sunnah


  • Muhammad Ajmal Qasmi PhD Scholar The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Author
  • Dr. Muhammad Muavia Khan Assistant Professor The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Author


Religious decline, moral decay, Pakistani society, Islamic values, media influence, educational reforms, societal challenges


This comprehensive study explores the causes and remedies of religious and moral decline in society, with a particular focus on the Pakistani context. The research delves into various factors contributing to religious decline, including the growing trend of materialism, the impact of scientific and technological advancements, lack of religious education, and the influence of secularism. It also examines the causes of moral decay, such as the negative role of media, breakdown of family systems, economic pressures, and increasing individualism. The study highlights the consequences of this decline, including effects on social relationships, psychological and emotional issues, increased crime rates, and overall societal degradation.

The research proposes a multifaceted approach to address these challenges, emphasizing the importance of educational reforms, strengthening family systems, responsible media practices, promotion of religious and moral education, and raising social awareness. It underscores the crucial role of government and social institutions in policymaking and supporting social programs. The study also emphasizes individual responsibility, including personal ethical improvement, moral training within families, and playing a positive role in society. Drawing from Islamic teachings, Pakistani scholars, and relevant Western thinkers, the research provides a balanced perspective on tackling these issues. It concludes with a message of hope and determination for the future, calling for unity, continuous struggle, and adherence to Islamic values to build a better and more stable society.


